Qatar has sent more than 350 tons of aid to Gaza since the war began (French)

The State of Qatar stressed that the bombing by the Israeli occupation forces of the headquarters of the Qatari Committee for Reconstruction in the Gaza Strip last week will not deter it from providing aid to the Strip, and said that this "crime constitutes a flagrant violation of international law and an extension of the approach of targeting humanitarian work."

This came in a statement delivered by Qatar's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al-Thani during the informal meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on the humanitarian situation in Gaza, which was held at the Organization's headquarters in New York at the request of Qatar, the League of Arab States and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation countries.

Sheikha Alia said Qatar has sent about 10 planes loaded with more than 358 tons of aid to Gaza, including a field hospital, shelter supplies, medical and food supplies to the Egyptian city of al-Arish since the war began.

She pointed out that Qatar has provided over the years of humanitarian and development support to the Gaza Strip in coordination with the United Nations to improve the deteriorating living conditions in the Gaza Strip as a result of the ongoing blockade.

A photo published by Israeli Army Radio shows the effects of shelling and assault on the headquarters of the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza (social media)

Qatar and several Arab countries had condemned – last Monday – the Israeli occupation forces' bombing of the headquarters of the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza, located on Al-Rashid Street next to the Gaza port.

Qatar's representative to the United Nations reiterated her country's condemnation of all forms of targeting civilians and "serious violations of international law and international humanitarian law committed by Israel," and stressed that the targeting of civilian objects, including the incursion of the occupation forces into the Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza, is a war crime and a flagrant violation of international laws and conventions, especially the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Sheikha Alia warned of the seriousness of the policy of collective punishment, including attempts at forced displacement of the Palestinian people.

For the 43rd day, Israel is waging a devastating war on Gaza, which has left more than 12,5 martyrs, including 3300,30 children and 75,<> women, as well as more than <>,<> wounded, <>% of them children and women, according to the latest official Palestinian census released on Friday evening.

Source : Al Jazeera + Qatar News Agency (QNA)