According to her, there was a crack under the window of the apartment.

"There is a crack in my kitchen under the window, I was showing, telling the management company... Well, they said such a stupid thing that the birds were," she said in an interview with Izvestia.

Linchenko said that there are problems with the sewerage in the house. She said that the basement in the house had been leaking for 10 years, but the management company did not react to this.

The incident occurred on the evening of November 16. Two entrances of a five-story residential building collapsed. One person was killed. According to preliminary data of the investigation, the collapse occurred during construction and repair work in one of the apartments, as a result of which the supporting structures were damaged.

A criminal case has been initiated on causing death by negligence and destruction of property.

Currently, 90% of the debris has been removed from the collapse site.