Sandatex, a company located in Viared, north of Highway 40, is one of the companies affected by the discolored water, which Borås Tidning was the first to report on. On at least two separate occasions, they have observed that their water has been discolored.

On Wednesday, the filters for the tap and coffee machine were replaced.

"It doesn't feel great to drink this water now," says Tommy Thuresson, an employee.

Borås Energi och Miljö has visited the affected companies several times and flushed the pipes clean, but they do not know where or why the discoloration occurs.

Is the water safe to drink?

"We are confident that there is good and safe drinking water in Borås," says Jonas Holmberg, Head of Communications at Borås Energi och Miljö.

However, Borås Energi och Miljö will take samples of the water at the affected company.

"In order for the customer to feel safe, we will take water samples for analysis," says Jonas Holmberg.

This is what the water that came out of the coffee machine looked like. Photo: private