, November 11 Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said on the 15th that during this year's "Double Eleven" e-commerce shopping festival, suitcases have become a new hit among Taiwanese consumers, and Taiwanese friends who have bought suitcases are also welcome to come to the mainland to shop offline and return with a full load.

On the 15th, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference. A reporter asked: Last week, the online shopping festival "Double Eleven" launched by mainland e-commerce ushered in, as in previous years, it also set off a shopping boom in Taiwan. Some netizens on the island commented that the shopping channels of mainland e-commerce platforms this year are more convenient for Taiwanese consumers. Some mainland experts believe that this shows that cross-strait economic and trade relations are closely linked, and that the mainland's Internet pop culture and e-commerce online shopping methods have had a profound impact on Taiwan. Do you have any comment?

In this regard, Zhu Fenglian said that the "Double 11" e-commerce shopping festival has set off a shopping boom on both sides of the strait, bringing high-quality and low-cost mainland goods to Taiwan, and the shopping experience of "buying cross-border is as simple as buying local" has been fully affirmed by Taiwanese consumers. You can guess, what are the most bought goods by Taiwanese people this year? It is clothing, luggage, and luggage, among which luggage has become a new hot style for Taiwanese consumers this year.

Zhu Fenglian said that we are very happy to see that the booming mainland e-commerce market has built a convenient and affordable shopping channel for the people of Taiwan, and also provides more space for deepening cooperation and innovative development of cross-strait logistics and related formats.