Updated Thursday,2November2023 - 17:06

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Inés López-Ibor, Professor of Psychiatry at the Complutense University of Madrid, second vice-president of the Ortega-Marañón Foundation and president of the Juan José López-Ibor Foundation, warns us of the signs that may indicate that work is negatively affecting the worker and causing anxiety. "We have to ask for help when we are not able to perform functions as we used to, or when anxiety is not only present at work, but affects the rest of our activities of daily life: family relationships, difficulty sleeping, problems getting out of bed or getting to work on time, etc." Many times this anxiety depends on the type of work, although it should not be forgotten that there are personalities with basic anxiety, with anxious and obsessive traits, or who are more competitive. The time of year we are in also influences. "The return from the holidays is a time when we can suffer from that anxiety, for the return to work and routine. These symptoms also worsen in autumn and winter," says Dr. López-Ibor.

In addition to the profile and personality of each person, there are certain professions that can promote stress, such as police officers, firefighters, emergency doctors, air traffic controllers... These jobs require complex and quick decision-making. On the other in which the person is in contact with nature or does physical exercise favors a quiet environment (personal trainers, gym teachers...).

Learning to Manage Anxiety

The psychiatrist is in favor of the person learning to manage that anxiety instead of changing jobs. "In any case, an anxious person should not opt for jobs that generate tension," he says

Inés López-Ibor, believes that it is necessary to ask for help when anxiety is not only present at work, but also affects the rest of daily activities.

Good work organization can help manage this tension. "There are companies that take care of even the smallest detail to promote a peaceful environment. It can range from physical aspects, such as ergonomic chairs, to establishing rest periods. All this makes that worker feel more cared for and develop their profession in a more relaxed environment."

López-Ibor also insists on the importance of disconnecting when the person is not in the work environment. To do this, he advises exercising, trying to get a good night's sleep and walking quietly. "Carry out activities that distract us and make us disconnect from work, such as social relationships and hobbies, as well as relaxation and disconnection techniques," says the specialist.

The pandemic years resulted in a new working model. Dr. López-Ibor points out that, although there are no conclusive data, there are positive and negative parts in this new work model. "On the one hand, that person avoids the commute to their workplace, which gives them more time and less stress. This extra time can be dedicated to leisure activities. On the negative side, working at home prevents them from maintaining contact with their colleagues, which causes isolation that can be counterproductive," she says.

Importance of self-care

The worker must be aware of his or her abilities and limitations, and must learn to cope with the normal stresses of life. "Many times, we say yes to many things and in the end, we are not able to do them. We have to stop and reflect on whether we can achieve what we have said yes. Self-care is also important. "It is advisable to walk in silence for 20 to 30 minutes a day, that way we lower anxiety levels and avoid reaching depressive disorders. Also try to eat a balanced diet and dedicate time to leisure and family and friends. Relaxation techniques can be incorporated into our routine, as they help us focus and the brain needs discipline and order," she explains.

Some pharmacological products can be helpful in helping us manage this anxiety at work. Lasea is an anxiolytic, which does not produce sedation or dependence and does not affect concentration or driving ability. This medication is available in pharmacies, does not require a prescription, and treats transient symptoms of anxiety, such as worry-to-control, restlessness, tension, or sleep disturbance.

About Lasea

*Medication for the treatment of transient symptoms of anxiety for those over 18 years of age whose active substance is Silexan (essential oil of Lavandula angustifolia


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