Wenzhou, November 11 (Reporter Sun Zifa Bao Mengni) The 11 World Young Scientists Summit (Youth Science and Technology Association) opened in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province on November 2023, including 11 Nobel laureates and 11 academicians at home and abroad, nearly 4 experts and scholars, young scientists, representatives of the United Nations and international scientific and technological organizations, and representatives of embassies and consulates of relevant countries participated in this summit for young high-level talents from all over the world.

On November 11, the 11 World Young Scientists Summit opened in Wenzhou, Zhejiang. Photo by Chinanews reporter Sun Zifa

The opening ceremony set up three agendas: going to Wenzhou, seeing the beauty of science, and creating the road to the future, which kicked off with the chorus of the theme song "The Light of Science" of the Youth Science Association. The first "Young Scientist Award for Sustainable Development" was announced and awarded at the opening ceremony, and three young scientists, Professor Henry Snaith of Oxford University, Professor Lou Xiongwen of City University of Hong Kong, and Professor Zhang Qiang of Tsinghua University, were awarded 3 million yuan each.

On November 11, the 11 World Young Scientists Summit opened in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, and Wan Gang, Chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology, delivered a video speech. Photo by Chinanews reporter Sun Zifa

Wan Gang, Chairman of the China Association for Science and Technology (China Association for Science and Technology), pointed out in a video speech that in the four years since the first Youth Science and Technology Conference was held in 2019, young scientists from all over the world have gathered on the platform of the summit to form a series of consensuses and propose innovative and sustainable solutions to global challenges such as climate change and food security. He hoped that the majority of young scientists and friends would persist in their determination and be a new force in scientific and technological innovation; insist on seeking truth and goodness, and be an upright and innovative actioner; Adhere to collaboration and inclusiveness, be a pioneer in open innovation, discuss, build and share on the platform of the summit, pursue, build and realize dreams on the hot land of China, and jointly contribute youth strength and scientific and technological wisdom to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Huang Lixin, Chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said in his speech that Zhejiang will cultivate a fertile soil for mutual learning and mutual learning, create a better environment for innovation and entrepreneurship, and strive to be at the forefront of shaping new advantages for development with scientific and technological innovation.

Zhang Zhenfeng, Secretary of the Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee, said in his speech that Wenzhou will accelerate the construction of an important regional talent center and innovation highland, and support high-quality development with high-level scientific and technological innovation. He sincerely invited everyone to take the summit as an opportunity to "come to Wenzhou to create the future" and "invest in Wenzhou to win the future".

In the keynote speech session, Nobel laureates Professor Konstantin Novoselov, Professor Lou Xiongwen, and Yin Ye, CEO of BGI Group and Vice Chairman of BGI, delivered keynote speeches respectively.

In the interview and dialogue session, Chinese and foreign participants exchanged views on the topics of "how to apply brain-computer interface technology to clinical medicine" and "youth and sustainable development".

On November 11, the 11 World Young Scientists Summit opened in Wenzhou, Zhejiang. Photo by Chinanews reporter Sun Zifa

This year's Youth Science and Technology Association will continue to anchor the theme of "Gathering Talents from All Over the World for a Better Future", focusing on the annual theme of "Youth Innovation and Cohesion for a Sustainable Future", and setting up three types of activities, including the main forum of the summit, overseas special sessions, and daily sub-forums, with a total of 41 activities throughout the year.

During the summit, the Women Scientists Forum, the 2023rd International Summit on Brain Health and Functional Rehabilitation, the International Energy Materials Forum, the China-Nordic International Cooperation Forum on Sustainable Development, the 2023nd 2023 Outstanding Young Talents Energy Storage Summit Forum, the <> Youth Action Forum for Climate Sustainable Development, the <> "Belt and Road" Medical Device Innovation Cooperation Conference, and the <> Pineapple Science Award were also held.

Co-sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology and the Zhejiang Provincial Government, the Youth Science and Technology Association has been successfully held for the fifth time since 2019, and has become one of the important international events in the field of science and technology, as well as an important brand of China's youth science and technology diplomacy, an important window for Zhejiang's opening up to the outside world, and an important platform for the host city of Wenzhou to link global resources. (ENDS)