The Israeli occupation army carried out at dawn on Sunday a series of raids and arrests that affected cities and towns in the occupied West Bank, punctuated by armed clashes and confrontations with Palestinians.

This comes at a time when the Palestinian Ministry of Health announced the death of a Palestinian shot by the occupation forces in Nablus (north), bringing the death toll in the West Bank to 186 martyrs since the seventh of last October.

According to eyewitnesses, the Israeli occupation army raided the cities of Tulkarm, Hebron, Tubas, Hajjah, Burqa, Tayasir, Al-Samu', Dura Al-Qara and Bil'in.

The witnesses indicated that clashes and armed clashes took place between the army and Palestinians in the northern city of Tubas, which resulted in the injury of two civilians with live ammunition, who were taken for treatment in hospital.

They also pointed out that the occupying forces arrested a civilian before withdrawing from Tubas.


In Tulkarm (north), the Israeli occupation army stormed the city and blew up the entrance to a Palestinian house before arresting him.

In the town of Burqa near Nablus, Israeli special forces stormed the town and raided Palestinian homes and "wreaked havoc on them," according to local sources. The sources indicated that the army arrested 4 citizens, and blew up the vehicle of prisoner Mahmoud Hajjah.

In the town of Hajjah, east of Qalqilya (north), clashes erupted between dozens of Palestinians and the Israeli army during the raid into the town.

In Hebron, in the southern West Bank, Israeli occupation forces arrested freed prisoner Hazem Al-Fakhouri (husband of prisoner Lama Khater) after breaking into his house and breaking its contents, according to eyewitnesses.

On the other hand, the Israeli army carried out a major arrest campaign in the towns of Ni'lin, west of Ramallah, and Halhul near Hebron.

Palestinian martyrdom

For its part, the Palestinian Ministry of Health reported that the General Authority for Civil Affairs (an official contact with Israel) "informed it of the death of the young man Muntaser Muhammad Amin Mustafa Saif (34 years old), from wounds sustained by Israeli bullets at dawn today, in the town of Burqa in the Nablus district."

An eyewitness told Anadolu Agency that an Israeli force stormed the town at dawn on Sunday, "to arrest 4 young men who were inside a house, and while some of them tried to escape, the soldiers opened fire, wounding two of them, before the Ministry of Health announced the martyrdom of one of them."

On Saturday evening, the Israeli army carried out large-scale incursions into Palestinian cities, towns and camps, and arrested 30 Palestinians, according to the Palestinian Prisoners' Club (non-governmental).

Various parts of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, witness daily raids and raids on villages and towns by the occupying forces, accompanied by confrontations, arrests, shooting and tear gas canisters against Palestinians, in conjunction with repeated attacks by settlers.

The pace of escalation has increased in light of the continuous Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip for 37 days, leaving so far more than 11,100 martyrs, including more than 8,28 children and women, and more than <>,<> wounded, according to official Palestinian sources.