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Donald Trump as a defendant in New York: "This is not a political rally, this is a courtroom"

Photo: Eduardo Munoz Alvarez / AP

In the fraud trial against Donald Trump in New York, the former US president appeared in court in person to testify under oath. Even before his testimony, Trump spoke to journalists of an "unfair situation." Attorney General Letitia James said before the start of the court hearing that she expected Trump to misbehave again. "But at the end of the day, the facts and figures are all that matters."

Dozens of journalists were present in the hall. Numerous media representatives had also gathered in front of the court between police barriers, but otherwise it remained quiet for the time being.

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Trump and his legal team in court: "Can you control your client?"


In the courtroom, however, the atmosphere was tense, as reporters from CNN and the New York Times reported. Judge Arthur Engoron repeatedly instructed Trump and his team to answer questions from prosecutors directly instead of making "speeches": "This is not a political rally, this is a courtroom." Annoyed, he spoke in the direction of Trump's lawyer Chris Kise: "Mr. Kise, can you control your client?" He added: "The answers are not only inadequate, they are repetitive. We have no time to waste. We have a day with this witness."

Earlier, Trump had used his answers to accuse the Democrats of using the judiciary as a weapon. The courts and public prosecutor's offices are biased against him. According to the New York Times, Engoron repeatedly shook his head in frustration during Trump's tirades and eventually lost patience. We're here for him to answer questions, which he doesn't do most of the time," the judge said.

Prosecutor Kevin Wallace questioned Donald Trump about the amount of his assets and participation in related financial reports. Trump admitted to inaccurate asset estimates when valuing real estate. Among other things, his company undervalued his property in Mar-a-Lago and the Doral golf course in Florida and overvalued his apartment in Trump Tower. The ex-president tried to downplay the significance of the estimates. "It didn't matter. They made it important, but it wasn't important," Trump said.

Wallace then asked Trump how he had ensured that the financial reports were handled responsibly. He says, "I gave two people the power of attorney to work with a very expensive accounting firm." He instructed Allen Weisselberg and Jeffrey McConney, who were in charge of the Trump Organization's finances, to prepare the balance sheets and said, "Prepare the statements so that the accounting firm is satisfied."

A negotiation full of Trump tirades

The lawsuit is about the future of the 77-year-old's business empire. Prosecutors accuse Trump, his sons and associates of manipulating the value of the Trump Organization for years in order to obtain cheaper loans and insurance contracts. Judge Arthur Engoron had already confirmed this before the trial – the current proceedings are now primarily about determining the sentences.

While Trump is not facing a prison sentence or direct repercussions on his bid for president, he could be severely damaged in business. Attorney General James wants Trump to pay 250 million US dollars (about 239 million euros) and is no longer allowed to do business in New York. It is unclear whether he would also have to give up real estate such as his famous Trump Tower in New York.

In recent weeks, the trial had led to angry tirades by Trump against the judge, court staff and the prosecutor's office. Judge Engoron had already threatened him with serious consequences, imposing a fine and a ban on defaming court employees.

Trump is the most promising candidate for the Republican presidential nomination for the election in a year's time. According to a recent poll, Trump is ahead of incumbent Democratic President Joe Biden in five out of six contested states. According to many observers, he is using the trial as an election advertisement and repeatedly claims that the trial is part of a political campaign against him.
