When looking for the perfect job, people usually look to combine a high salary with work-life balance. Remote work often provides these two factors, providing a job that allows working from anywhere while providing a high income.

One of the benefits of remote work is that it relieves stress, saves money on fuel, and time spent on daily commutes. It also gives a lot of freedom, as remote jobs usually allow you to work from anywhere in the world with great flexibility in terms of daily schedule.

Here is a selection of jobs that are candidates for "ideal jobs":

1- Virtual Assistant

The virtual assistant provides remote customer administrative support, and its tasks include answering emails, scheduling appointments, managing social media accounts, and entering data.

The job usually requires a bachelor's degree, as well as organizational and managerial skills, and experience using office software.

The average income of a virtual assistant in America is $32,2667 a year ($<>,<> per month), according to Invested Walt.

2- Accountant

An accountant is usually responsible for creating and managing financial records, so he must understand accounting principles, analyze data, develop financial strategies, and advise his clients on spending, savings, and taxes.

An accountant usually needs a bachelor's degree in accounting or a related field.

His average annual income in the U.S. market is $68,5667 ($<>,<> per month).

Remote teaching is a great way to work from home (Pixels)

3- Self-employment

Remote freelance work is a great way to make money on your terms. You can provide many services, such as web design, writing, transcription, translation, technical computer skills, software development, and marketing.

You can find freelance jobs on UpWork, Fever and Freelancer websites. And you can also independently find customers in online forums and marketplaces.

Experience is the most important factor when starting as a freelancer.

Freelance prices vary, so do research to make sure you're offering competitive fees for your services.

4- Teaching

Remote teaching is a great way to work from home and help others learn. Students of all ages can specialize in teaching, whether it's teaching online, running virtual classrooms, or creating instructional videos.

A bachelor's degree in the relevant field or teaching experience is preferred.

Average income varies depending on a lot of multiple factors.

5- Web Developer

The main role of a web developer lies in the creation, development, maintenance and management of websites and digital applications.

It is a job that does not necessarily require a university degree, as it can be self-taught through online programs.

Its average annual income in the United States is $67,5583 ($13,2028 per month), with expected job growth of <> percent by <>, according to CNBC.

The importance of the nutritionist emerges with the spread of the culture of thinness, fitness and the fight against obesity and obesity around the world (Pixels)

6- Dietitian

The importance of the nutritionist in our time is evident with the spread of the culture of thinness, fitness, body care and the fight against obesity and obesity around the world. They specialize in educating individuals about the nutritional content they eat to promote healthy lifestyles.

The average annual income for this job in America is about $40,3333 ($<>,<> per month), according to Indeed, one of the largest recruitment platforms in the world.

7- Content writer

Writers use their extensive knowledge of the language to research, write, and edit a variety of written, audio, or viewer content. This includes texts, books, articles, poems, videos, television and radio shows, writing for social media, and more.

Many companies and institutions in various fields and disciplines seek to employ them and benefit from their creative abilities and expertise.

The average annual income for specialists in the United States is about $59,4917 ($<>,<> per month), according to Ended.

Some companies are moving to support the idea of remote work instead of working in the offices (Pixels)

8- Statistician

The statistician creates opinion polls and administers private and public questionnaires, then collects and organizes the data he obtains, analyzes it, draws conclusions, and then reports to the departments of the companies or entities for which he works.

This is a very important profession, requiring a university degree and higher training.

Its average annual income is about $84,7 a year ($<>,<> per month), according to CNBC.

9- Remote work manager

With the development of "remote work" and its great growth to become a way of life for many, a new job is now emerging in the ranks of companies and institutions, which is the manager of remote work.

16% of companies in the world encourage remote work instead of hiring employees to work in the office, and this percentage is expected to increase significantly in the near future.

10- Electronic games coach

Video games and electronic games have become a real part of the lives of many, and with the steady growth of this market, the increase in the number of international tournaments and competitions for these games and the entry of millions of new players every day, the need for coaches specialized in these games is increasing day by day.

The market for electronic game coaches in the world is now about one billion dollars. Some of the coaches earn about $70,5833 a year ($<>,<> a month), according to Business Insider.