A few days ago, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment released the second round of the sixth batch of central ecological and environmental protection inspectors to rectify the situation, and a large number of major ecological and environmental problems have been effectively resolved. It is understood that after receiving feedback from the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, the discipline inspection and supervision agencies of relevant regions and departments will take the rectification of the inspectors as a major political task, establish a political supervision account, follow up the rectification and improvement degree, visit the site to promote the solution of problems, prudently and accurately carry out accountability, and ensure that the rectification work is deep and practical.

After receiving the feedback from the inspection team, the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment strengthened daily communication and liaison with the resident units, and understood the implementation of the rectification work and existing problems by participating in the party group meeting, department affairs meeting, special work meeting, organization and scheduling meeting, etc., formed a political supervision account, and urged the resident unit to report the progress of the work on a regular basis every month. Focusing on the outstanding common problems found in the supervision, through the preparation and issuance of notification letters, reminder letters, supervision sheets, etc., urge the units stationed in the unit to implement the rectification work as soon as possible.

"In response to the feedback from the inspectors pointing out that the progress of some projects in the ecological environment governance of Baiyangdian Lake is slow, a scheduling meeting was held in a timely manner to establish and improve the system, strengthen work measures, strengthen supervision and scheduling, and vigorously promote the rectification work." According to the relevant responsible comrades of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group has repeatedly joined relevant functional units, the Supervision Group of the Discipline Inspection Work Committee of Xiong'an New Area and other staff to conduct on-the-spot visits to 13 points, communicate with grassroots party members and cadres in the ecological environment system, and find a total of 6 problems, and report them to the local government and relevant functional departments in a timely manner.

The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment included the 14 tasks of the second round and the sixth batch of central ecological and environmental protection inspectors involved in the rectification of the Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment into the political supervision ledger, clarified the list of responsibilities, regularly dispatched every month, and promptly followed up the completion of 2825,<> mass petition issues assigned by the supervision and inspectors.

Focusing on key issues, the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment went deep into Hohhot, Baotou, Hulunbuir, Wuhai and other places in the form of "four noes and two straights" to conduct on-site supervision of the rectification and handling of the situation, and investigated the operation and effluent of the Sandaosha River into the Yellow Section of the Bandingying Phase III Sewage Treatment Plant in Hohhot City and the Baotou Aluminum Tailings Project in Baotou City, and went to Tongliao, Xing'an League and other places to inspect the implementation of safety risks in the ecological field such as tailings ponds, and the problems and weak links found in the supervision, timely urge the relevant functional departments and league cities to seriously compare and find, draw inferences from one case and rectify the other.

After receiving the three issues of accountability for ecological and environmental damage handed over by the inspection team, the Tibet Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision promptly set up a special team for the investigation and accountability of the transfer of the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors, conducted in-depth investigation and verification, conscientiously clarified responsibilities, distinguished different situations, and prudently and accurately carried out accountability. According to the investigation and verification, 3 relevant responsible units, 17 enterprises and 3 responsible persons have been seriously held accountable.

While seriously pursuing responsibility, the Tibet Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has deepened the rectification of the central ecological and environmental protection supervision problem. The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the Department of Natural Resources of the Autonomous Region has repeatedly sent personnel to the relevant comprehensive supervision units to supervise and inspect on the spot, regularly schedule the progress of rectification work, and arrange special personnel to be responsible for coordinating supervision matters. At the same time, the Party Group of the Tibet Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment was urged to establish a mechanism for supervising and rectifying the sales number, strictly implementing a list-based scheduling mechanism, formulating 43 rectification measures around 180 rectification tasks, and promptly following up and supervising the completion of rectification tasks. (China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily reporter Zhang Chi)