Beijing, October 10 (Chang Qin, Zhang Liyang) On the 29th, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Natural Resources: Recently, Shanghai Chongming Dongtan Wetland of International Importance (hereinafter referred to as "Chongming Dongtan Wetland") completed the registration of natural resource rights confirmation. This is the first registration of natural resource rights confirmation carried out by a national registration agency in China, and it is also the first time that the central government directly exercises ownership of internationally important wetlands to achieve registration, and the Chongming Dongtan Wetland, which has important ecological value, is accurately landed in the land space as the registration object, providing property rights support for the effective supervision, strict protection and exercise of owners' rights and interests of wetland resources.

Located at the easternmost tip of Chongming Island in Shanghai and at the core of the Yangtze River estuary, Chongming Dongtan Wetland is one of the largest and most typical estuarine tidal wetlands in China, and was included in the list of wetlands of international importance in 2002. Due to its location in the ecotone of the Yangtze River, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, the typical, endemic, diverse and rapidly changing ecosystems of Chongming Dongtan Wetland support rich biodiversity. More than 300 species of birds have been recorded here, and millions of waterfowl have migrated and stopped every year.

In accordance with the relevant requirements of the Wetland Conservation Law and the operational specifications for the confirmation and registration of natural resource rights, the Ministry of Natural Resources, together with the Shanghai Municipal People's Government and the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, carried out the registration of the Chongming Dongtan Wetland.

According to reports, through the registration of the confirmation of natural resources of Chongming Dongtan Wetland, the property rights of Chongming Dongtan Wetland and the ownership boundaries have been clarified, and the status of various natural resources in the registration unit has been clarified, which provides property rights support for the classification policy, effective protection and rational development and utilization of Chongming Dongtan Wetland resources.

The register mainly records the following three types of information: First, the state of nature. It includes information on the location, spatial scope, area, and type of natural resources of Chongming Dongtan Wetland. The registered unit of Chongming Dongtan Wetland covers an area of 32600,34.10928 hectares, including 03,9156.13 hectares of wetland resources, 9,8.1 hectares of water resources, 49.12504 hectares of forest resources, 89.<> hectares of grassland resources, and <>,<>.<> hectares of other resources.

The second is the status of ownership. All types of natural resources in the registration unit are state-owned, and the main body of the owner of natural resource assets is the Ministry of Natural Resources (including the National Forestry and Grassland Administration).

The third is other related matters. For example, drawings attached to the register, as well as information on the status of immovable property rights and public control associated within the registration unit. The registration units of Chongming Dongtan Wetland are all within the ecological protection red line.

It is understood that after 10 years of practical exploration, the registration of natural resource rights confirmation has gone from theory to practice, from scratch, from pilot exploration to full implementation, and a number of system specifications and key nodes have been continuously deepened and realized. This year, the Ministry of Natural Resources has completed the registration of eight nature reserves such as Chongming Dongtan Wetland and Shandong Kunyu Mountain National Nature Reserve, seven rivers and lakes such as Shiguan River, and Pingshui Mining Area in Shaoxing, Zhejiang.

In the next step, the Ministry of Natural Resources will improve the protection of property rights of natural resource assets, build a more complete work system, and provide property rights support for safeguarding the rights and interests of natural resource assets and protecting natural ecological space. Promote the confirmation and registration of natural resource rights in key areas in an orderly manner, continue to expand the scope of registration, and gradually achieve full coverage of the confirmation and registration of natural resources such as national parks, water, forests, grasslands, wetlands, mines, and seas.