Antoine Bienvault / Photo credits: PAULINE TOURNIER / HANS LUCAS / HANS LUCAS VIA AFP 07:59, October 30, 2023

Emmanuel Macron announced that a draft constitutional law to protect abortion in France would be sent to the Council of State by the end of the week. In the streets of major French cities, women do not hide their satisfaction at seeing this right finally protected, while anti-abortion currents are becoming more and more present in the world.

The announcement is highly symbolic. Emmanuel Macron announced on Sunday that a draft constitutional law, providing for the protection of abortion, would be sent to the Council of State this week and presented to the Council of Ministers by the end of the year.

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French women delighted

"In 2024, women's freedom to have an abortion will be irreversible," the head of state explained. And in the streets of Paris, women do not hide their satisfaction. "It's important to make sure that it's a right that is enshrined and that way, we don't have to fight anymore and that we're all free to dispose of our bodies," Solène told Europe 1 radio.

The decision also delights Emma, who is worried about the rise of certain anti-abortion currents in society, especially abroad. "When we see what's happening in the world today, especially in the United States, it's a great example to show that we need to ensure the future of women with regard to this choice of abortion," the young woman said.

There's just one downside?

The objective is clear on the head of state's side: to enshrine this right so that it becomes untouchable. Alice, too, welcomes the initiative. The only downside is the term "freedom of abortion" pronounced by Emmanuel Macron, which does not totally convince her. "It's more important to write the word right" than "freedom," she said. He added: "I think it is easier to twist this law if we talk about freedom of abortion than if we talk about a right that the state will have to guarantee."

Like her, nine out of ten French people are in favour of introducing the freedom of abortion into the Constitution, according to a November 2022 Ifop poll.