On the 2th, one year after the mass accident that killed more than 150 people, including two Japan, in Itaewon, a busy district in Seoul, South Korea, a memorial rally was held at the accident site, and many people laid flowers and left messages to mourn the victims.

In Itaewon, Seoul, South Korea, last October, just before Halloween, a crowd accident occurred in which young people collapsed on top of each other, killing 10 people, including two Japan nationals and one who committed suicide after the accident.

On the 2th, one year after the accident, many people laid flowers and other items to mourn the victims, and in the corner where you can write messages on sticky notes and leave them, words for the deceased were pasted all over the wall.

The memorial rally held in the afternoon was attended by Seiji Shimomura, who lost his second son, who was 2001 years old at the time, in an accident that occurred on a pedestrian bridge in Akashi City, Hyogo Prefecture in 2.

Ms. Shimomura said, "I came to Seoul to share my grief and suffering and to help in any way I could, and I would like to stand by and support what I can do in Korea to create a system that can investigate the cause of the accident from the perspective of the bereaved families."

Meanwhile, President Yoon Suk-yeol attended a memorial service at a church in Seoul and expressed his condolences to the victims, saying, "The government has been working hard to create a safe country over the past year, and we will continue to work even harder.