To counteract racism against Sámi players, the Sámi Sports Confederation, SVL, has recently started a project against racism in children's and youth sports on the Norwegian side.

In addition, they have received 1.9 million a year for the next three years.

"The basic idea is that we will run the project without conflicts. We want to emphasize the social aspect as very important for those we invite from society to talk about racism and how we and they view it. Openness is the common thread in our work on the project," says Operations Manager Britt Somby for 15 minutes from Sápmi.

She goes on to explain how they work with the project.

"We don't use the word 'racism' in schools, but words such as 'discrimination', 'tease' and 'bullying'. Words that children know. If we start a confrontation or a conflict, we will not achieve our goal, which is to make racism visible and provoke discussion in the organisations," she says.

Arena changed to Sámi name

Earlier this year, Tromsø IL also changed the name of the arena from Alfheim Stadion to the Sámi name Romssa Arena as part of the project.

"This is to front the Sámi language. It's the first time in football history that a football club does something like this," Øyvind Alapnes of Tromsø IL told NRK at the time.

Håkan Kuorak, chairman of FA Sápmi and vice chairman of the Sámi Sports Confederation.

"We will have a greater collaboration with Tromsø in the future to counteract racism against Sámi youth. Hopefully we will get a similar project on the Swedish side as well, because the need is great on both the Swedish and Norwegian sides, he says in the program.

Watch this week's 15 minutes from Sápmi on Saturday at 16:05 on SVT2. Or on SVT Play.