"We have brought in an extra number of ushers and all audiences will be searched. All bags will also be inspected, says Jerry Nilsson, security manager at VSK.

Some elite clubs in Sweden have chosen to ban bags in connection with sporting events. However, this is something that VSK has not embraced.

"We don't have such a decision from the board yet. And since the police don't require it of us, we don't take that action right now," says Jerry Nilsson.

After the terrorist attack in Brussels where two Swedish supporters lost their lives, a debate has arisen about whether supporters in connection with international matches should dare to wear the Swedish national team shirt. A question that has also been raised by the organizer VSK.

"We've talked a little bit about it. We play at home, we should feel safe and we can wear our national team shirts, says Jerry Nilsson.

Sweden will face Portugal, Spain and Turkey in the group stage.