In recent years, Ali Kamrani has been the victim of several robbery attempts. He has armed himself in the store and is now asking for the police's help.

"I would like to see practical solutions. Several times when I have alerted the police, it has taken a very long time before the police have dived and then the robbers have been far away, he says when the municipal police officer Nadim Ghazale visits him.

Municipal police: Difficult to prevent

According to municipal police officer Nadim Ghazale, it is difficult to prevent Ali from being exposed. It's not possible to have permanent security at the store," he says.

"With the resources and priorities we have, there's not much we can do, except to show up when he calls 112, of course.

"Can be dangerous"

During the meeting with the police, Ali Kamrani shows off his bats, which he has started to have under the cash register, to defend himself.

"This is a vulnerable person. You have the right to defend yourself with proportionate force. The risk with that is that next time they might come in with even more violence, if they know he can defend himself," says Ghazale.

SVT: But should it have to be this way?

"Of course it shouldn't have to be this way. In the best of worlds, he should not be exposed. Locking up those who do this is one thing, and then we also have to make sure that no new people join," says Nadim Ghazale.

Watch the meeting between shop owner Ali Kamrani and municipal police officer Nadim Ghazale in the clip above.

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Watch the attempted robbery of Ali Kamrani's shop – which was caught on film. Photo: Private