A civil guard is being investigated for the alleged fatal run over of a motorcyclist, with the aggravating circumstance that the agent was drunk when the accident occurred, in the early hours of October 8 on the A-357 as it passes through the Malaga municipality of Cartama, as confirmed by Traffic sources to Europa Press.

As a result of these events, the armed police officer was arrested by his fellow Traffic officers and brought before the judge on duty, who decided to release him on charges. The Guardia Civil had no record and, currently, the case is still pending the final report of the attestation, as Ser Málaga has advanced this Wednesday.

At around 02.55 hours, the 112 Andalusia Emergency service received the alert alerting of a motorcycle embedded against the guardrail, 50 meters from exit 65 of the A-357, and of an injured person. The Civil Traffic Guard, Local Police and 061 were activated, and it was the health workers who confirmed the death of the man.

The Civil Guard patrol carried out the relevant tests on the agent, who was driving his private vehicle, and he tested positive for alcohol in both. The incident is under investigation.

  • Malaga