Europe 1 with AFP // Photo credits: Valery HACHE / AFP 17:08 p.m., October 16, 2023

292 people died on the roads of metropolitan France in September 2023, a toll up 9% compared to the same month of the previous year. In total, the number of road safety injuries recorded by law enforcement agencies stood at 4,896 in September 2023, 5% more than in September 2023.

A total of 292 people died on the roads of metropolitan France in September 2023, a toll up 9% compared to the same month of the previous year (267 killed), announced Monday Road Safety. This increase in road fatalities comes after nine consecutive months of decline. It mainly concerns motorists.

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The number of serious injuries is up by 10%

"In particular, there has been a 20% increase in the number of people killed in motorists, a stability in the number of people killed on motorized two-wheelers and bicycles," the National Interministerial Observatory for Road Safety (ONISR) said in a statement.

In total, the number of road safety injuries recorded by law enforcement agencies stood at 4,896 in September 2023, 5% more than in September 2023. The number of serious injuries is also up by 10%, reaching 1,585 in September 2023, ONISR said. "The increase in the number of serious injuries in September mainly concerns users of motorized two-wheelers," the observatory said.

Over the last three months as a whole, the number of people killed has fallen by 3% and is stable for the number of serious injuries, ONISR points out. On the roads of the French Overseas Territories, the toll in September was 15 people killed (-25% compared to September 2022) and 335 injured (-5%).