• Relationships Sofia's loyalty to Juanito in the face of Corinna's betrayal
  • Paris Match Corinna says King Juan Carlos was a "victim" of Queen Sofia and Mariano Rajoy

José García Abad published La soledad del Rey sobre las sombras de Juan Carlos I in 2004, when no one dared to question the figure of the Monarch. At that time, the Urdangarin case had not broken out, nor did the Spaniards know who Corinna Larsen was. Since then, it has rained a lot and today Juan Carlos I lives in Abu Dhabi the consequences of his mistakes.

This same year, two journalists published King Corp, the untold empire of Juan Carlos I (Libros del KO) in which, in addition to shelling the economic framework of the former head of state, they told that he had had an illegitimate daughter and gave some clues that put a young woman in the pillory who was forced to deny the information.

This week goes on sale Everyone knew: Juan Carlos and the complicit silence of power (La Esfera) in which García Abad tells with his usual thoroughness how the different powers consented and were accomplices of the most reprehensible behaviors of the Monarch. And what about that secret daughter? Is there any possibility that if the one referred to in King Corp is not the illegitimate daughter of the old monarch, there are other children born outof wedlock of Juan Carlos and Sofia?

Garcia Abad says no. Essentially because King Juan Carlos had the vasectomy after the birth of Felipe VI in 1968 and that was the reason why Corinna did not want to marry when the King father insisted on asking her in 2014. This is how he tells it in Everyone Knew it:

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Royal House.

King Juan Carlos: tax residence in Abu Dhabi and future enigmatic inheritance


King Juan Carlos: tax residence in Abu Dhabi and future enigmatic inheritance

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Juan Carlos I anticipates a return to public life after his victory over Corinna in the United Kingdom

  • Editor: CARLOS FRESNEDA Londres
  • Writing: MARINA PINA Madrid

Juan Carlos I anticipates a return to public life after his victory over Corinna in the United Kingdom

"The famous Botswana safari was a gift from the King to Corinna's son Alexander Alexander, whom he treated as his own, when the boy turned ten. The mother assured, probably to get away from the disaster of the image of the elephant passing the exclusive responsibility to the Monarch, that she soon realized that Alexander was only the excuse and that the trip was simply a whim of Don Juan Carlos, who had shielded himself in the child to carry it out. The monarch, as Corinna told the BBC, did not give up the effort: 'In 2014 he made desperate attempts to get me back with him, but he realised that he was not going to return and became completely furious. He asked for everything back. I think it was just a tantrum," he said.

The woman also detailed this event before the London court to justify the money received from the Monarch, saying that he proposed marriage in May 2014 and, upon her refusal, the King emeritus demanded that she return the gifts and 'spread false accusations that he had stolen money'.

And he continues: "Corinna's claim that it was she who rejected the marriage proposal of King Juan Carlos is a half-truth that borders on lies. The truth is that it was the German who had proposed as her great strategic objective to be Queen of Spain and, therefore, marry the Monarch and, for greater security, conceive a child of his. It is true that Don Juan Carlos asked her to marry him and that she rejected him in 2014, a few days before the King abdicated, but it was not for the reasons provided by Corinna, that she had learned that her boyfriend betrayed her with another or other lovers.

King Juan Carlos and Corinna Larsen in Barcelona in 2006.GTRES

"The reality, which I think had not been revealed until now, is that the bride refused marriage when she learned that her suitor could not have more children because, after the birth of Felipe, he had had a vasectomy, which allowed him to fuck his underwear without embarrassing consequences."

"In this way, he followed his father's advice: 'Look,' Don Juan justified himself by addressing his companions who accompanied him on a trip from Mallorca to Ibiza, 'I am going to confide to you what I say to Juanito [Don Juan Carlos]: my private life has been my private life, but what I guarantee to you and your brothers is that I have not left any brother around. My father acted differently. With Moragas he had a pair of children, Leandro and Maria Teresa. He made them pregnant. Not me. No one has ever appeared who has made any claim about it. I have always taken care of my wife and children... And then I have my life. I would never do a job to Mary."

The rest of Everyone Knew is a detailed account of the modus operandi of the economic, political and social powers towards King Juan Carlos. It goes on sale on October 18.

  • Juan Carlos I
  • Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein
  • Philip VI