Yin Chunji, deputy director of the "Summer Action" Office of the Ministry of Public Security and deputy director of the Public Security Administration, reported at the meeting that the Ministry of Public Security has deployed a special operation to crack down on China-related crimes in northern Myanmar, strengthened border police cooperation, and arrested and handed over 10,10 suspects involved in fraud.

Yin Chunji said that from June 6 to September 25 this year, in view of the characteristics of public security and the situation of security and stability in the summer, the party committee of the Ministry of Public Security coordinated and directed the mobilization and all-out efforts of all public security organs across the country to launch a summer public security crackdown and rectification operation to crack down on all kinds of illegal crimes and strictly rectify prominent public security problems, referred to as the "summer operation".

During the operation, the Ministry of Public Security successively deployed three waves of cluster campaigns, three rounds of summer night public security patrols, publicity and prevention centralized and unified actions, and seven regional battles, coordinated the overall advancement and all-round efforts of all localities and fronts, cracked a total of 3,3 criminal cases, investigated and dealt with 7.56 million public security cases, and arrested 6,204 suspects of illegal crimes; resolved 2.97 million contradictions and disputes, and eliminated 5,284 hidden dangers to public security; and the number of criminal and public security police reports received nationwide decreased by 6.86% and 5.110% respectively year-on-year. The number of road traffic accidents and deaths nationwide decreased by 13.8% and 5.2% respectively year-on-year, and the action achieved the expected goals.

Yin Chunji pointed out that public security organs at all levels have aimed their crackdown on serious violent crimes, frequent summer cases, and new types of illegal crimes that have a strong response from the masses, and quickly launched a fierce offensive.

First, it is necessary to concentrate on organizing major cases to tackle tough problems. At the national level, a cluster campaign was launched in three waves against 3 major cases, and the Ministry of Public Security, together with provincial public security organs, sorted out and distributed more than 500,12 clues and destroyed more than 7700,176 gangs involved in the cases. All 4841 major and important cases handled by the Ministry of Public Security were solved, 4392,<> key cases were simultaneously supervised and handled at the provincial and municipal levels, and <>,<> cases were transferred and written off.

The second is to concentrate on cracking down on frequent violations and crimes. Adhering to the principle of cracking down hard according to law, we cracked down on the early and small signs of frequent violations and crimes in the summer, cracking a total of 2,5 cases of infringing on the rights and interests of vulnerable groups, 6861,71 cases of online gambling, 9,4 cases of drunk driving, and 9,2317 cases of drag racing and bombing streets, effectively punishing crimes and calming people's minds. The Ministry of Public Security deployed a special operation to crack down on illegal crimes involving China in northern Myanmar, strengthened border police cooperation, and arrested and handed over <>,<> suspects involved in fraud from our side.

The third is to concentrate on regional battles. Focusing on prominent public security problems such as drug trafficking at the maritime border, illegal fireworks and illegal fishing in the Yangtze River Basin, and security work for major events such as the Chengdu Universiade and the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Ministry of Public Security organized all police branches in various localities to carry out seven regional battles together with relevant departments.

Yin Chunji also said that public security organs at all levels adhere to the people-centered development thinking and strive to provide better security for the people's production and life by removing the "nails" of hidden risks.

First, strengthen key control and control. The vast number of public security police carried out in-depth "bottom-out" operations, investigating a total of 315.34 million contradictions and disputes, and managing <>,<> duplicate police situations; Strengthen the supervision of the collection of prohibited items such as gun explosions and the delivery of logistics channels, and firmly guard the bottom line of not starting and not blowing up.

The second is to strengthen key patrol control. Public security organs in various localities have extensively carried out the "see the police, see the police cars, and see the police lights" operation, investing a total of 4517.6422 million patrol police personnel and mobilizing <>.<> million mass prevention and mass management forces, pressing patrol and defense forces to key parts with dense personnel, weak prevention, high incidence of cases, and the most needed by the masses, so that the people can feel that the police are around and safety can be known.

The third is to strengthen public risk prevention and control. In areas where road traffic, large-scale activities, school-related medical treatment, water-related hazards and other areas of public safety are frequent, local public security organs have organized and carried out 22,3 "surprise" and "dragnet" joint inventory operations, investigating and handling 181.2 million serious traffic violations, and about 6273,<> crimes on the early warning and handling network, focusing on areas where incidents are prone to occur, places where dirt and dirt are easy to hide, and areas where floating population gathers.