On Monday afternoon, Israeli warplanes targeted a Palestinian ambulance in the Gaza Strip, which was transporting injured people to the hospital in Al-Shujaiya neighborhood, east of the Gaza Strip.

Video footage showed the bombed ambulance with smoke rising from it, while its driver managed to survive the bombing despite being injured, but the 7 injured on board were all killed, according to the driver.

The intensity of Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip, targeting densely populated buildings, mosques, schools and crowded markets, is increasing, in what observers see as a scorched earth policy.

At least 50 Palestinians were killed in Israeli shelling that targeted a market in the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, while the number of martyrs in the Strip since the start of the military operation on Saturday exceeded 500.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli occupation army said earlier on Monday, that since the beginning of the war on the Gaza Strip on Saturday, its planes dropped more than a thousand tons of explosives and missiles at targets claimed to be the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).