In the case where Hunter Biden, the second son of President Biden of the United States, is accused of illegally purchasing a gun by falsely declaring that he does not use drugs, Mr. Hunter faced a plea in court and, according to the American media, pleaded not guilty.

President Biden's second son, Hunter Biden, has been charged with illegally purchasing and possessing a gun by falsely declaring that he did not use it despite using illegal drugs in 2018.

Hunter pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in eastern Delaware on Wednesday.

According to the mainstream US media, Mr. Hunter has pleaded not guilty.

Hunter's lawyer issued a statement to the media, saying the indictment was the result of political pressure on the Department of Justice by former President Trump and his supporters.

Until now, the opposition Republican Party has intensified its criticism that the Justice Department is being soft on President Biden's relatives while former President Trump has been indicted four times.

The US media says it is the first time that the child of a sitting president has been prosecuted, and it will be interesting to see if Mr. Hunter's future trial will affect President Biden's campaign for re-election in the presidential election next fall.