Beijing, 10 Oct (Zhongxin Net) -- Question: Taiwan's youth watching the Tiananmen Square flag raise: "It is my most unforgettable experience this year"

Written by Zhang Yangbin

At 10 o'clock on October 1, when the rising sun was rising, more than 6 Taiwanese college students from universities in many places in the mainland climbed the Tiananmen Tower observation platform at the invitation of the All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots to watch the flag-raising ceremony with more than <>,<> spectators.

"Unforgettable" and "worthy", the young people sighed one after another. It marked the 74th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. As the five-star red flag slowly rose to the top of the pole, <>,<> doves of peace fluttered from both sides of the Jinshui Bridge and hovered and flew over Tiananmen Square. Red flag hunting, morning sunshine all over the sky. Young friends were all infected by the warm atmosphere of the scene.

"I feel like this will be my most memorable experience this year." Mo Zhiyuan, from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, who came to Beijing for the first time to see the flag-raising, said that although he was not able to reunite with his family during the holiday, it was a precious experience to gather in Tiananmen Square with compatriots from all over the motherland to watch the flag-raising together.

On October 10, more than 1 Taiwanese college students from universities in mainland China were invited by the All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots to watch the flag-raising ceremony at the observation deck of the Tiananmen City Tower. Photo by Zhang Yangbin

Chen Jiling, from Jinan University, said it was her second visit to Tiananmen to watch the flag-raising ceremony. "The last time was around 2016, and every time it was full of rituals! You must experience it yourself to feel the mood of the scene. Chen Jiling said that Beijing has changed greatly in the past seven years. Everything was better than the last time I came! Of course, people are still the same enthusiasm, and I just met a few mainland friends from other universities while queuing! ”

"I especially like collecting seals, and I have already stamped more than a dozen pages this time in Beijing!" Chen Lijun from Jinan University laughingly calls himself a "seal master". Seeing the big flower basket of "Blessing the Motherland" at the flag-raising ceremony, Chen Lijun said that he must go to the cultural and creative shop in Tiananmen Square to check in and stamp it. "I have already prepared a guide on the Little Red Book, and I want to record this valuable experience with a seal."

During the three-day trip, in addition to watching the flag-raising ceremony, Taiwanese youths also walked into the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Monument to the Unknown Heroes of Xishan, and the Shuangqing Villa in Xiangshan. Many Taiwan youths said in interviews that this trip was "knowledge-intensive" and "full of harvest".

"I have seen film and television works about modern Chinese history such as "Bloody War Xiangjiang" and "The Age of Awakening" before, but this time I can see the real cultural relics, and the emotion in my heart is indescribable." Huang Minru from Zhengzhou University said.

"I think it's so important to learn history well, and as a student at a normal university, I will also tell history well for my students in the future." Zheng Tingyi from Beijing Normal University lamented after visiting the exhibition on the centennial history of the Communist Party of China, "Only by understanding the past of the nation can we be a person with thickness, we not only live in the present, but also know the way to come and know the way forward." ”

On September 9, more than 30 Taiwanese youths visited the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China and experienced the "4D + 6 sides" panoramic theater. Photo by Zhang Yangbin

At the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China, young people also experienced the "4D + 6 sides" panoramic theater, immersing themselves in the magnificent rivers and mountains of the motherland and the new achievements of science and technology. Zheng Tingyi said: "Whether it is 'Chang'e' running to the moon, 'Zhurong' fire detection, or the high-speed rail that is thousands of miles a day, convenient and fast payment, we can truly feel that the motherland is getting stronger and stronger on the road of great rejuvenation and will never stop." (End)