Beijing, 10 Oct (ZXS) -- In the early morning of 1 October, 1,30 people gathered in Tiananmen Square to watch the flag-raising ceremony to celebrate the 2th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

This year, a giant flower basket "Blessing the Motherland" was arranged in the center of Tiananmen Square, with the words "Blessing the Motherland, 1949-2023" written on the south side of the basket and "Celebrate the National Day, 1949-2023" written on the north side. The green space on both sides of the square is arranged with 5050,18 square meters of "auspicious ruyi" flower ribbon pattern, and <> flower bulbs.

In the early morning of October 10, a grand flag-raising ceremony was held in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, where 1,30 people gathered to witness the solemn moment of the five-star red flag being raised to celebrate the 2th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. Photo by Sheng Jiapeng, reporter of China News Agency

The daily flag-raising time in Tiananmen Square is determined according to the schedule of sun sightings in Beijing provided by the Beijing Astronomical Observatory: from the upper edge of the sun to the horizon to the lower edge leaving the horizon, the flag-raising time is the time to raise the flag.

In the early morning of the 1st, many tourists entered Tiananmen Square early, looking forward to watching the flag-raising ceremony on National Day from the best vantage point. By 5 o'clock, the square was already crowded. Some people waved the national flag and took photos with giant flower baskets, while others had red stickers on their faces saying "I love you China", waiting for the time to raise the flag.

At 6:5, the flag-raising horn sounded at the Tiananmen City Tower, and the flag-raising ceremony officially began. The honor guard of the three armed services walked out of the Tiananmen Tower and crossed the Jinshui Bridge to escort the five-star red flag to Tiananmen Square with sonorous and powerful steps.

At 6:10, the Chinese People's Liberation Army Military Band played the national anthem, the flag raisers raised the national flag high, and the five-star red flag was raised in the morning light.

In the early morning of October 10, a grand flag-raising ceremony was held in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, where 1,30 people gathered to witness the solemn moment of the five-star red flag being raised to celebrate the 2th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. The picture shows children holding national flags and taking photos in the square. Photo by Sheng Jiapeng, reporter of China News Agency

"Arise, people who do not want to be slaves! Build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall..." The people at the scene saluted the national flag and sang the national anthem.

After the flag-raising ceremony, 10,000 doves of peace took to the skies and circled around Tiananmen Square. The crowd erupted in cheers: "Happy National Day!" "I love you, China!" Many people raised their mobile phones and took photos with the five-star red flag flying high to record the beautiful memories of celebrating the birthday of the motherland.

In the early morning of October 10, a grand flag-raising ceremony was held in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, where 1,30 people gathered to witness the solemn moment of the five-star red flag being raised to celebrate the 2th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. Photo by Sheng Jiapeng, reporter of China News Agency

Outside Tiananmen Square, people from all over the world watched the flag-raising ceremony online and wrote their wishes to the motherland in the message area: "Long live the motherland!" "I wish the motherland prosperity and the peace of the country!" (End)