'Historic' agreement between Germany and Israel to purchase Arrow-3 missile shield

Never before has Israel signed such a large military contract. This Saturday, September 28, Germany has recorded the purchase of the Arrow-3 anti-missile system from the Jewish State for four billion euros. Enough to complete the European anti-missile shield desired by Berlin.

German and Israeli Defense Ministers Boris Pistorius (right) and Yoav Gallant (left) at the press conference after the agreement on the sale of the Arrow-3 missile shield, in Berlin, September 28, 2023. AFP - TOBIAS SCHWARZ

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With our correspondent in Berlin, Pascal Thibaut

The most military contract ever concluded by Israel was signed on Thursday, September 28 with Germany. Berlin will acquire the Arrow-3 anti-missile system, which can intercept machines flying up to 2,400 kilometers above sea level. This investment, which is expected to result in the first deliveries in two years, is part of Berlin's wider plan for a European missile shield.


This agreement is moving for every Jew, only 80 years after the end of World War II and the tragedy of the Holocaust. " said Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The latter wanted to see a strong sign in this agreement which is also the largest military contract - four billion euros - in the history of the Jewish state. His German counterpart, Boris Pistorius, was not to be outdone and spoke of "a historic day for our two nations".

The contract is Germany's response to the war in Ukraine and the need for Berlin to strengthen its protection against a missile attack. The Bundeswehr's special fund of €100 billion adopted last year will finance the operation approved by parliament. The United States, which developed the Arrow-3 missile defense system with Israel, gave the go-ahead for the operation last month.

Skeptical experts

Berlin wants to add this device, which can intercept craft above the atmosphere, to the American Patriot air defense system and the Iris-T produced in Germany. These three elements are part of the European anti-missile shield project presented by Berlin last year and to which 19 countries have joined, but which provokes criticism from the France.

Experts question the meaning of acquiring the Israeli Arrow-3 system when Russia does not currently have missiles flying so high and for which this device would be necessary. It is also not clear that Arrow-3 can fit into NATO's defense.

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