Last year, the new stable was ready at Fanny and Tomas Engdahl in Kisa. They were a major investment that tripled their production to 120 cows in loose farming. But the first year has been tough as interest in organic products has decreased.

"We get a lower settlement price and lower margins, at the same time as it is a cost issue. I understand that the consumer, who today has less money to move with, chooses not to use the slightly more expensive organic milk in the store. But I would like to see a prioritisation of the food you eat a little more," says Fanny Engdahl.

"The market is driving the ecological trend in the wrong direction"

In order to survive in the long term, many farmers choose to switch to conventional production – something that goes directly against the Swedish food strategy, where 30 percent of the country's agricultural land is to be organic by 2030.

"We want to be organic dairy farmers, but today the market is driving the trend in the wrong direction. We often ask: "When will you change"?

In the clip above, Fanny Engdahl tells us more about the consequences when interest in organic products decreases.