Yanis Darras 08:48, September 27, 2023

The senator of the Vendée Bruno Retailleau was the guest of the Grande interview Europe 1-CNews this Wednesday. At the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk, the president of the Republicans in the Senate was alarmed by the "social bomb" that represents the ecological transition in France, while the government multiplies the major announcements.

Scorching summers, frost episodes and ever more violent thunderstorms... Climate change is gradually showing its true face. To limit its effects, states, including France, are working on reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. France plans to reduce its emissions by 55% compared to 1990. Among the avenues envisaged to achieve this objective: promote the purchase of electric vehicles and the renovation of thermal strainers.

To achieve this, the government has taken strong measures, particularly on the issue of housing, by banning the least well insulated dwellings from renting. As a result, the rental market found itself in tension, calling into question the government's initiative.

In an interview with the newspaper Le Parisien, Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire said he was in favor of postponing the ban. Good news for Bruno Retailleau, LR senator for the Vendée. "This is an absolutely salutary awareness because we are on the wrong track and going into the wall," he told Europe 1-CNews.

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