Consumption: in Cameroon, formalin remains used on food despite warnings from authorities

In Cameroon, the use on foods of formalin, a substance declared carcinogenic, to ripen or conversely to prolong the preservation of certain foods, remains widespread despite a crusade launched by the government and the alerts of doctors. Illustrations in markets in the capital, Yaoundé.

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Pineapples on display at the fruit market, near Douala, Cameroon. De Agostini via Getty Images - DEA/C. SAPPA

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With our correspondent in Yaoundé, Richard Onanena

In Cameroon, the use of formaldehyde – also known as formalin – in markets is a concern. The substance declared carcinogenic since 2004 is used to ripen or prolong the preservation of fruit, and sometimes to preserve meat and fish.

Doctors are sounding the alarm and the government, for its part, is making seizures. Despite this, formalin remains present in the markets.

« You only see how they spray something, like water. »

For example, at the Mvog Mbi market, in the 4th arrondissement of Yaoundé, its use on food is an open secret, as this saleswoman attests: "We only see how we spray something, it's like water. For plantains, it is in plain sight. For fruit, we do not see exactly when they do it, since the fruit comes to us at the market. You buy your slice of pineapple or your small fruit and suck it, not knowing that this is it. So, there is really only God to guard us, because people exaggerate.


At the Acacia market, three kilometers from Mvog Mbi, Marthe, a regular customer, remembers coming across a diet of formaldehyde-ripened plantain: "At the market, the plantain is all yellow, the skin is yellow... But when you get home, when you remove the skin inside, it's hard. A bit like plantain had scabies.


In addition to plantains and other fruits and vegetables, meat or fish are no exception to this practice. Traders use formalin in hopes of prolonging their preservation. A real danger for the health of consumers, according to Dr. Dominique Blaise Ngompe, doctor: "Formalin is used in conservation to delay the natural process of decomposition of the body, as well as to give a better physical appearance to the deceased. In general, formaldehyde used on foodstuffs can cause respiratory problems, severe bladder damage in the stomach, intestine, kidneys, etc.


« You might as well buy directly from the growers »

For his part, Dr. Polain Nzobeuh, biologist therapist, campaigns for the consumption of natural and organic products. For him, formalin products are unfit for consumption because they are dangerous to health. As a possible solution, he recommends the purchase of certain products directly from growers. "On formalin barrels, we put 'unfit for consumption' with skulls. But how is it that this formalin ends up on food and is eaten, he protests. This is a problem of modern life. Modern life needs products to be made thousands of miles away and then easily transported farther away, to conquer markets."

He emphasizes: "If a product is fresh and natural, within a few weeks it is damaged. You have to keep them and formalin is great, because it freezes and it keeps fresh. When you see the meat on a stall at the market, it looks fresh, it's frozen, but no flies pass by. The market vendor resells, does not throw away damage and is forced to put formalin.

Dr. Polain Nzobeuh concludes: "So it is better to buy directly from the farmers. Housewives who are on alert go to the market early to be able to see the sellers who come directly from the fields with the products. Buy from them! Shop early! Don't buy things that made it through the night! Better yet, have your field, grow certain things, don't be 100% dependent. »

The Cameroonian government has launched a crusade against the use of formalin on food. Authorities announced the interception of more than 5,000 liters of this chemical in the last eight months of the year.

See alsoCameroon: 3 million people are in "acute food insecurity"

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