Visit of Charles III: a summit meeting for France and the United Kingdom

The British sovereign is received this Wednesday, September 20 in Paris by Emmanuel Macron. He will also travel to Bordeaux. His trip comes six months after a postponement due to French news. On the menu: relations between the two countries and climate issues, dear to the king.

French and British flags in the spotlight, in front of the Invalides, in the center of Paris, for the visit of King Charles III and Queen Camilla in France. AFP - DIMITAR DILKOFF

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Six months later, the program of Charles III's royal visit was almost the same: on the first day, ceremony in front of the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, descent of the Champs-Élysées, state dinner at the Palace of Versailles. The second day will be devoted to the speech that will be delivered in the Senate by the sovereign, and by very symbolic visits: the flower market in Paris, which Elizabeth II was particularly fond of and which now bears her name, and the construction site of the reconstruction of Notre-Dame.

On both sides of the Channel, we insist on the very warm relationship forged by Emmanuel Macron and Charles III despite the almost three decades that separate the two men. The visit of the British sovereign will in any case have the objective, this is what is hammered by the Elysée as by the British authorities, to extend the work begun last March at the Franco-British summit. Rishi Sunak and Emmanuel Macron then launched the "renewal" of relations between Paris and London – battered at the time of Boris Johnson.

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Charles III, by going to Paris and Bordeaux in the middle of the Rugby World Cup, with Queen Consort Camilla, must transform the test scored last March by his Prime Minister and the French President. He who was initially to make his first trip abroad as sovereign in France, regretted not being able to do so. And for good reason, like his mother, the king is a Francophile and speaks willingly in the language of Molière.

There is a long tradition of Francophilia among the Windsors. You talk about Elizabeth II, there was also the Queen Mother Elizabeth who was very Francophile. And Charles actually speaks French since his mother insisted from an early age...


Philip Kyle, author of the biography "Charles III", published by Perrin

Daniel Vallot

This visit will be marked by climate and environmental issues, which responds to the concerns of the new British sovereign.

When we look at the program that is planned for the king during his trip to Paris, it is once again placed under the sign of ecology, biodiversity, the fight against climate change. I think he imprints a little more here his style, which is undeniable given all his commitments for nearly half a century.


Philip Kyle on Charles III's environmental commitment

Daniel Vallot

Highlight of the royal trip: a dinner on Wednesday evening with the presidential couple in Versailles

It is an exceptional state dinner that is being prepared at the Palace of Versailles, under the gold of the Hall of Mirrors. Alongside the royal couple, Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron, more than 150 guests will be gathered around a 63-meter-long table.

Among these privileged people: members of the government, major French and British bosses, as well as personalities from the world of culture such as actress Kristin Scott Thomas or novelist Ken Follet.

It is after a musical interlude, around 18:30 pm, that the banquet will really begin. A nod to King Charles' mother, Elizabeth II, who had been received several times at Versailles.

In the kitchen, two starred chefs will be in the kitchen. Anne-Sophie Pic for the starter, with blue lobster and cake served with a veil of mint, and Yannick Alléno, who will cook the main course: a Bresse poultry stuffed with corn with a porcini gratin.

After the cheese, and in particular a 30-month-old county, it is the famous pastry chef Pierre Hermé who will make the dessert with a pink macaroon with lychee sorbet.

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  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Charles III
  • Emmanuel Macron
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