France: Marine Le Pen "natural candidate" of the RN for 2027

It was Marine Le Pen who said it on Monday, September 18 on TF1. Four years before the deadline, the one who has already run three times for president has clarified her position with the French, but also with regard to her political family.

Marine Le Pen on TF1, September 18, 2023. AFP - MIGUEL MEDINA

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Far from the cameras during her two months of vacation, Marine Le Pen preferred to evacuate as quickly as possible the question of the presidential election, this Monday, September 18 on TF1, and in front of the French. "I am the natural candidate of my camp in the presidential election" of 2027, said the leader of the French far right.

A "non-announcement" for Jean-Philippe Tanguy. The RN MP ironically comments on the supposed fantasies of the press: "There is no, no change in the position taken last night by Marine Le Pen on her previous positions. So I admit that I did not understand the media hype for this non-announcement. At no time, when we heard Marine Le Pen at 20 p.m., did we think it possible to send a dispatch on this answer. So, it still surprised us a lot and I leave this interpretation to your imagination, obviously, fruitful. "

By marking her territory so early, Marine Le Pen does not want to leave the slightest room for doubt: yes, it is she who will once again wear the colors of the RN. And no, she is not yet looking for an heir to whom to pass the baton. Message sent to Jordan Bardella, the leader of the party, a good student who ensures that he "will be well behind" Marine Le Pen.

It always gets better by saying it.

" READ ALSO The National Rally makes its return with the European elections in the line of sight

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  • Marine Le Pen
  • French politics
  • France