At least 14 people were killed when a small plane crashed on Saturday in the northern Brazilian state of Amazon, as the airline that owns the doomed plane said it was investigating the crash.

Amazon Governor Wilson Lima, the state where the plane crashed, said all 12 passengers and crew consisting of a pilot and co-pilot had all died in the crash.

He explained that the passengers were on a fishing tourist trip, and that preliminary information indicates that they are all Brazilian, and said that rescue teams have been working since the beginning of the accident to provide the necessary assistance.

The Brazilian official did not disclose the causes of the crash, but reports indicated that the pilot had difficulty finding a suitable runway for landing, and Reuters quoted Brazilian media as saying that US citizens were among the victims of the accident.

For its part, the airline "Manaus Aerotaxi", the owner of the stricken plane, said it is investigating the accident, without giving any details about it, and called on the company in a statement issued in this regard to respect the privacy of the victims.

"We count on respecting the privacy of those involved at this difficult time, and we will be available to provide all necessary information and updates as the investigation progresses," the company said in a statement.