Jenny Winquist in Södra Sandby, Lund municipality, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019 after she felt a lump in one breast. Once the healthcare system established what the lump was, it went quickly until the treatment started.

At the end of the year, she had both breasts removed, something she fought for herself to reduce the risk of getting the cancer back.

See the pictures from the surgery until the new breasts were in place in the clip.

Turned to a private tattoo artist

Once the new breasts were in place, the nipples were still missing. She was offered to have them tattooed by nurses who had been trained in tattooing nipples. But instead, she got a tip about a private tattoo artist. The result was better than she thought and the plastic surgeon asked if he could use the pictures of the result to show his managers. Today, the tattoo artist is employed by Region Skåne.