It was on July 31 this year that the man, who is in his 25s, is suspected of having fired shots at passing cars. On Tuesday, the man was charged.

The motorist who raised the alarm had a child with him in the car and the first bullet that hit their car went through the windshield on the passenger side where a child was sitting in a car seat.

The motorist initially thought that the windshield had exploded, shortly later he saw the shooter on a balcony and that he was aiming at them. The driver pushes the gas to the bottom and hears the car plate slam again.

When questioned by police, the driver says he was just thinking "get out of here, away from here". The driver alerted 112 and only gets out the words "I have been shot.

Shooting at another car

The suspected shooter also allegedly fired three shots at another car that was driving the same distance. The driver he never perceived that he was being shot.

"I came and drove and then it hit three times. I slowed down, thought something had happened to the engine, thought I would stop to see what had happened but drove home, he says in police interrogation.

When the man is later arrested by the police, he has armed himself with a knife and will not let it go, despite the police shouting "Let go of the knife or we will shoot" – shortly thereafter, the man is shot in the leg and can be arrested.

The man is now charged with two counts of attempted murder and aggravated threats against a public official.

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Peder Öberg was only 20 meters from the incident and heard the shots. Hear him in the clip.