In Brazil, a national holiday under close surveillance

For the past two years, former President Jair Bolsonaro had used the country's independence anniversary for political purposes. For this edition, Lula called for unity during this military holiday. But after Bolsonaro's supporters invaded the three-power headquarters in Brasilia in January, security was tightened in the capital.

A protester holds a sign: "Smile Bolsonaro, we'll handcuff you!" during a protest on Independence Day in Rio de Janeiro, September 7, 2023. © AP/Silvia Izquierdo

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With our correspondent in Rio, Sarah Cozzolino

Before going to the parade with her son, Tatiane tried to inquire to make sure that the former president's supporters would not try to sabotage the event. "I knew from a Bolsonarist that they would not go to the parade in protest. For us, who are against the former president, we would like them to hide forever! Tatiane jokes.

At the head of the scouts' club, a native woman is dressed in traditional straw costume. "The idea is to highlight the indigenous peoples, who are the great forgotten of the country," says Hannah, of the Potiguar ethnic group, from the northeast of the country. Fortunately, this year I am happy to see that the natives are more visible. We must ensure that our cultural heritage does not disappear, because we are the first inhabitants of Brazil.


« Lula is back in power, and what I want is for it to work! »

Tarsila came to see her son who is marching as the flag bearer of the military college. She is proud to be able to wear the Brazilian jersey again without political innuendo. "I have already voted for Bolsonaro, I have already voted Lula. But today it does not count, she assures. I am Brazilian first and foremost and I want the best for my country. Lula is back in power, and what I want is for it to work!



Democracy, union and sovereignty ». This is the slogan of this year chosen by Lula to turn the page of Bolsonarism. He will be in India this Friday to represent Brazil at the G20.

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  • Brazil
  • Jair Bolsonaro
  • Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva