
Yesterday (15th), President Yoon Seok-yeol presided over a meeting to review state affairs with 100 national panelists.

Regarding the three major reform tasks of education, labor, and pension, he said, "It is essential, not optional," and emphasized that "we must do it."

This is reporter Kim Ki-tae.

[ Reporter

] [President Yoon Seok-yeol: I'm a bit nervous because the people are all watching.]

Following the emergency economy and people's livelihood meeting last October, the government task inspection meeting was broadcast live for the first time in two months.

President Yoon Seok-yeol mentioned the importance of the three major reform tasks: pension, labor, and education in front of a panel of 100 people.

[President Yoon Seok-yeol: Reform is not popular, but we must do it without avoiding it.]

Regarding the strike response of the cargo union, the establishment of the rule of law was emphasized again.

[President Yoon Seok-yeol: I think that if the labor issue flows into political strife and any political issues, politics will be ruined and our economy will also be ruined.]

Regarding pension reform, "At the end of this government or the beginning of the next government, start to come out We have to walk,” he mentioned a specific period, and he suggested a “running mate” system for the head of a regional government and the superintendent of education, saying, “It will help balance the development of the province.”

President Yoon also showed trust by handing over the right to speak directly to Minister of Public Administration and Security Lee Sang-min, whose dismissal proposal was passed.

[President Yoon Seok-yeol: Did the Minister of Public Administration and Security come here today?

So, about the incentives for this company relocation...


The meeting went on for 156 minutes, far exceeding the 100 minutes that had been announced.

The People's Power leadership, who stopped negotiating the budget bill and visited the event, appealed to make it a majority party to complete the reform, and the Democratic Party devalued it, saying, "It was a state affairs publicity show that started because of the previous government and ended with Yun Bieocheon."