After France, the Gulf countries and Canada were their first destination

Germany is a new destination for Tunisian talent migration

  • Narges Rahmani: Germany has huge labor needs.


  • Elias Jelassi.. The idea of ​​emigrating to Germany "did not occur to him."


  • Yafat Ben Azouz: The demand for learning the German language has increased dramatically since 2020. AFP


Germany has become a new destination for Tunisian youth who obtain a university qualification legally, despite the language barrier, at a time when the largest economic power in Europe suffers from an acute shortage of labor.

France, the Gulf states and Canada have so far been the first destination for the migration of Tunisian talents.

5474 Tunisians were able to obtain a visa to work in Germany, during the period from the beginning of 2022 to October, which represents almost double the number in 2020. This came as a result of not adopting the quota system in granting visas, in addition to the fact that the Tunisian educational qualifications It is highly recognized in this country.

“Germany, which has very low birth rates, has enormous labor needs, not only in the field of health or information technology, but also in the field of hotels and restaurants,” said Narges Rahmani, director of the Migration Agency, “Get in Germany.” , and construction ».

Some German employers in sectors that witness a great shortage provide those wishing to immigrate to this country with great facilities and privileges, including granting them prior contracts for immediate obtaining of a visa, as well as financing their learning of the German language for a period of six months in Tunisia.


Yafat Ben Azouz, director of a language teaching institute in the capital, Tunis, confirms that the demand for learning the German language has increased dramatically since 2020, and says, “In the past, I used to teach one or two people at most, and today the number has increased to six and seven people.”

In addition to the language, Japhet teaches the basics of behavior, good manners, and living within German society.

Al-Rahmani believes that going to Germany, and succeeding in this country, depends exclusively on “understanding the mentality there.

They are diligent, and rely a lot on the impulsiveness of young people, and on the seriousness of work.

In her estimation, Tunisians integrate very easily, "and they have a great ability to learn the language, and quickly integrate into other societies."

Most of Yaft's students are highly qualified in a country that places emphasis on basic training, while unemployment among young graduates reaches as high as 30%.

Engineer Nermin Medsia, 25, refused job offers from companies in France, preferring Germany to be her destination, like her nurse sister, because France “has a lot of racism” towards Muslims, as she put it.

Nermin hopes to obtain “respect and appreciation with a good salary,” unlike the situation in Tunisia, where the average monthly salary is 1,000 dinars (about 300 euros), and the salary of a computer engineer, in the best cases, reaches twice that amount at the beginning of his career.

Accommodation, tickets and a good salary

Like many immigrants, Nermin received great support from the family to leave Tunisia, with "the continuing increase in living expenses, and with a salary that is not sufficient to start a family and support it."

Tunisia is witnessing a severe economic crisis, with weak growth, high unemployment rates, and worsening external debt. The repercussions of the “Covid-19” epidemic and the war in Ukraine have exacerbated it, in addition to a political crisis with Tunisian President Kais Saied’s decision to monopolize the authorities in the country since July 25, 2021. .

As a result, immigration, in both its legal and illegal forms, has become the aspiration of Tunisian youth.

Over the past five years, more than 40,000 engineers and 3,000 doctors have immigrated to the Gulf states, Europe and other countries.

On the other hand, more than 16,000 Tunisians have arrived in Italy by boat, in illegal immigration operations since the beginning of 2022, in search of work and a better life.

Young Elias Jelassi (28 years old) obtained a degree in nursing sciences, and set emigration to Germany as his goal since he finished his studies in the coastal city of Sousse in the east of the country.

In his room at his home in the city of Korba (east), he collects his belongings in a bag before traveling to the German city of Wiesbaden (west), where he was able to obtain a work contract in a private hospital.

He asserts that the idea of ​​emigrating to Germany “did not cross his mind” when he obtained his high school diploma and began thinking about university studies.

He continues, "After studying for three years (nursing sciences) and training, I finally decided that it was better not to stay in Tunisia."

Elias and many of his colleagues at the university were able to convince the German employer and obtain a contract through remote employment interviews, while providing them with free accommodation for half a year in Germany.

The employer also sponsored all the costs of German language lessons in Tunisia, and the price of tickets.

• Some German employers in sectors that witness a great shortage, for those wishing to immigrate to this country, offer great facilities and privileges, including granting them prior contracts to obtain an immediate visa, as well as financing their learning of the German language for a period of six months in Tunisia.

• 5,474 Tunisians were able to obtain a visa to work in Germany during the period from the beginning of 2022 to October, which is almost double the number in 2020.

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