DRC: Panzi hospital funds unfrozen after an agreement with the tax authorities

Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, eastern DRC, in July 2014. AFP/JUNIOR D. KANNAH

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In the DRC, the Panzi hospital, run by the doctor and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Denis Mukwege, in Bukavu, had indicated that his bank accounts had been frozen by the Congolese tax authorities, which demanded 125,000 dollars from him as payment of taxes.

The hospital, which is known for its care of women victims of sexual violence, said it was unable to pay its agents.

The case had been ongoing since November, but an agreement was reached.


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With our correspondent in Bukavu


William Basimike

The Panzi hospital had requested an exemption of approximately 60,000 dollars from the tax authorities.

A claim accepted on condition that the remaining amount is paid within eight days.

The freezing measure has therefore been lifted, we learned on Thursday, even if

the hospital

has not yet paid the sum.

The tax administration criticized the hospital for not having declared the costs of certain services, in particular those related to the canteen and the telephone communications of the agents.

It considers that even if these are benefits offered to employees, they remain taxable. 

251,158,478 Congolese francs equals 125,000 dollars!

Hospital staff were not paid in November.

This caused damage to the hospital and the workers.

Morally, they were really down.

Doctor Mukwege heard complaints from officers who could not work in the afternoons because they were hungry.

He understood that it was very important to help workers provide at least one meal a day and to give them phone credit for emergencies.

We think it's just bullshit for nothing!

“, indignant Crispin Kashale, the director of communication of the Foundation and the hospital of Panzi.

► To read also: Panzi Hospital, in Bukavu: caring for women's bodies

The provincial tax office of South Kivu has not made an official statement, considering that this file is administrative and has nothing to do with politics or arbitrariness. 

In 2014,

a similar problem

had again opposed the two institutions in relation to the payment of taxes.

Agents of the Panzi hospital had demonstrated in front of the tax administration in Bukavu, to demand to be restored to their rights.

Last August, Denis Mukwege had already been subject to restrictions when he had to go to the province of Tshopo to animate two scientific conferences at the University of Kisangani.


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