The students of the Faculty of Fine Arts assert that presentation is at the heart of the scientific subject

A costume party in Upper Egypt sparks a debate between conservatives and reformers

The embodiment of some of the show's college characters has been criticized.

From the source

A "masquerade party", described as the first of its kind in Upper Egypt, held by the Faculty of Fine Arts at Luxor University, last Tuesday, triggered an extensive discussion between two teams, one conservative and the other innovator, as the former believes that this type of celebration is not suitable for our societies, while the latter considers it A kind of creativity, and an advanced form of communicating moral, human and aesthetic values ​​and contents. It was remarkable that the college students supported the ceremony, as it is an enhancement of the scientific material they receive, according to testimonies and testimonies to «Emirates Today» over the phone.

A statement posted on the official page of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Luxor University, entitled “In Saidi and Falahi costumes, students of the Faculty of Fine Arts excel in organizing the first masquerade party,” said that “at the ceremony, the students demonstrated their energies in embodying popular Egyptian cinematic characters from Sinai and Lower Egypt.” And from Upper Egypt, as I dealt with some ancient Egyptian personalities, and some students dealt with the embodiment of media personalities.

The dean of the college, Dr. Ahmed Mohie Hamza, said, "This art has clearly spread and has become a kind of entertainment, and it gives an opportunity for talent to produce costumes inspired by their favorite movies and games."

d said.

Hamza said, "The party addresses societal issues, such as bullying."

One of the party's attendees, Mahmoud Sabra, said, "The ceremony made clear his hopes to bring out the talents of art students, and their ability to embody different personalities."

The ceremony was attacked and criticized by websites and Facebook pages from a different angle, and some considered it "an elicitation of different cultural forms that contradict our societies, which have the most appropriate ways of expressing them."

Osama al-Mahdi, an observer who works in the field of tourism, said, "The party represents new ideas for our society, which are pleasing to students and are not useful to society."

The tour guide, Mohamed Abdel-Mawgoud, said, “The stereotyped image of the costume party is derived by the young man from old Arab films, so the college had to make an effort to explain that what it offers is different, by broadcasting live pictures of the shows to reach the surrounding community, because the university and society are two integrated worlds, They support each other.”

Maryam Jarawish, "The Daughter of Fine Arts", launched a campaign against the party's critics on her Facebook page, and said, "This is not a Halloween party, but rather a masquerade, and this is a course in fine arts that talks about costumes, how to design horror costumes, and historical costumes." , and cinematic costumes, and this is done under the supervision of the college administration, its professors, and its students union.

In short, the College of Fine Arts creates creativity from and for its students.

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