The reason is the flow of migrants - currently over 2,000 people - gathered at the Belarusian border with Poland, which also forms part of the EU's eastern border.

Something that von der Leyen holds Belarus leader Aleksandr Lukashenko responsible for.

- At the beginning of next week, we will increase the sanctions.

It is important that Lukashenko understands that their actions come with a price, says von der Leyen.

Meeting with Biden

New sanctions can only be introduced after approval during Monday's meeting between the foreign ministers of the 27 member states.

The sanctions will be directed at both individuals and companies.

According to von der Leyen, US President Joe Biden agreed that the attack was "an attack by an authoritarian regime" and that they both agreed to investigate potential sanctions against the airlines accused of aiding and abetting human trafficking.

Diplomatic sources state that the state airline Belavia is among the companies that are sanctioned.

The influx of migrants, whom EU Council President Charles Michel has called a "brutal hybrid attack", is seen as Lukashenko's revenge on the EU for the previous sanctions imposed in connection with the regime's crackdown on protesters in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election.

Crisis meeting of the Security Council

The UN Security Council has called for a crisis meeting on Thursday due to the migrant crisis at the border between Poland and Belarus, diplomatic sources say.

Estonia, France and Ireland are inviting the 15 member states to a meeting behind closed doors.