“The plane flew from Irkutsk to Kazachinsk.

I went to land the second time, disappeared from the radar, ”said the agency's interlocutor.

According to him, fog was observed in the Kazachinsky area.

At the same time, the agency was told in the operational headquarters for liquidation of the consequences of the disaster that "there was a failure of equipment on board, the crew reported this to the dispatcher, then performed an emergency landing in the taiga."

This is also reported by TASS with reference to a source in the air services.

“According to preliminary data, a crew error in fog and engine failure could have led to a hard landing.

Other versions are also being considered, ”the agency was told.

On September 12, the L-410 passenger aircraft made a hard landing in the Irkutsk region.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations confirmed the fact of the incident.

On board the plane, according to available data, there were 16 people.