Abdullah II: Jordan was attacked by “drones” bearing Iranian fingerprints

Jordan's King Abdullah II revealed that Jordan was "attacked by drones bearing Iranian fingerprints," stressing that "the region has legitimate concerns about Iranian activities."

On the other hand, the Jordanian monarch wondered what the international community could do when the crisis in Lebanon reached its worst, considering that "Lebanon is on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe if it has not already entered, and we may be facing another wave of refugees."

"Unfortunately, Jordan was subjected to drone attacks that turned out to have the imprint of Iran," Abdullah II said during an interview with the American network "CNN", which was broadcast today, Sunday.

And whether those attacks took place in recent months, he replied: "It was about a year ago."

He continued, "We have justified and legitimate concern in the region about Iran's activities, as well as concerns about its nuclear program, and we wonder if the Vienna negotiations will pave the way for understandings between Washington and Tehran."

"We are concerned about the development of Iran's missile program, and we have seen this through targeting US bases in Iraq and missile attacks on Saudi Arabia," the Jordanian monarch said.

On the other hand, the Jordanian monarch stressed the need for the international community to unite to support Lebanon.

He said: “We have to look at Lebanon, where people are in crisis, there is a famine imminent, and hospitals are not working, and this was brought up in many of the discussions we had here (in Washington), and I know that the United States is working with France on this file.

But when the crisis reaches its worst, which it will in a matter of weeks, what can we as an international community do to intervene?

We know that no matter what we plan, we will not be able to achieve our goals, and we will fail the people.

So the question is: Is it possible to build plans in a way that directs the region in the right direction?

The Jordanian monarch also described the recent Israeli war with the Gaza Strip as "a wake-up call for everyone," considering the talk about Israel's strength and economic and technological progress "a very fragile front."

He added: “I think the last war with Gaza was different since 1948, this is the first time that I feel a civil war in Israel.

I think the internal dynamics that we saw inside Israeli towns and cities served as an alarm bell for all of us.”

Abdullah II indicated that he met with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Defense Minister Benny Gantz, to confirm for the first time what Israeli press reports said about this meeting, which took place in early July.

In response to Dore Gold, an influential advisor to former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who said that “Jordan needs to start thinking of itself as a Palestinian state,” Abdullah II said: “This kind of empty talk is not new… Jordan is Jordan.” .

We have a mixed community of different ethnic and religious backgrounds, but it is our country.

The Palestinians do not want to be in Jordan.

They want their lands, and their banner, to raise it above their homes.”

"This takes us to a very dangerous discourse," he said.

So, as I indicated, if we don't talk about the two-state solution, are we talking again about the one-state solution?

Will it be fair, transparent and democratic?

I think the one-state solution is more challenging for those in Israel who pushed this theory than the two-state solution, and it is the only way.”

As Abdullah II pointed out, "the increase in cyber attacks on our countries."

"The battles in the vicinity of our borders increased to the level of battles during the days of ISIS," he added.

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