On January 6, hundreds of people broke into the Capitol during the ongoing formal approval of Joe Biden as the country's next president.

One of them was a 38-year-old man from Florida.

In pictures from inside the building, you can see him walking around with a Trump flag in the US Senate along with hundreds of others.

On Monday, the man was sentenced to eight months in prison for, according to the verdict, having obstructed an official procedure.

"Even if you were just a small part of a larger mob, you actively participated in an event that threatened the Capitol and democracy itself," Judge Randolph Moss of Washington told CNN.

Predicted to be able to be indicative

The verdict is the first to lead to imprisonment, and is expected to be able to provide guidance for similar cases.

A woman has previously been sentenced to three years probation for participating in the storm.

In total, up to 550 people may be punished after the storm.

According to the Ministry of Justice, at least 230 of them are suspected of the same crime for which the 38-year-old was convicted.