The main symptoms of coronavirus disease may change due to COVID-19 mutations, Rospotrebnadzor warned.

“First of all, you need to understand that all the symptoms of COVID-19 are nonspecific, including the loss of smell, which occurs in 70-80% of cases.

Now there is a slight change in the spectrum of dominant early clinical manifestations in connection with the emergence of new strains of SARS-CoV-2, "RIA Novosti quotes the words of Natalia Pshenichnaya, deputy director for clinical and analytical work of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor.

She said that with the Indian strain of the coronavirus, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are more common, in particular, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, as well as joint pain and hearing loss.

Microthrombosis of the lower extremities is also likely, which can lead to the development of gangrene and amputation of the fingers.

Meanwhile, the head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, warned of the danger of weakening sanitary and epidemiological requirements in the country.

According to her, this could lead to a complication of the situation with the coronavirus in Russia.

“It must be remembered that any indulgence, any refusal from those requirements that were developed in a difficult, intense battle with infection, can lead to a complication of the epidemiological situation.

Today we cannot relax, ”Popova said in an interview with the chairman of the State Duma committee on international affairs Leonid Slutsky.

A recording of their conversation has been posted on YouTube.

The head of Rospotrebnadzor also called on Russians to get vaccinated against coronavirus as soon as possible.

According to her, Russians will be able to move freely when 60% of the adult population acquires immunity to the coronavirus.

“We will breathe freely and move more freely if 60% of the adult population is vaccinated, it is important to understand, or will be immunized in one way or another,” she explained.

According to Popova, "today everything depends on the activity of citizens."

Strengthening restrictions in St. Petersburg

In turn, the Governor of St. Petersburg, Alexander Beglov, said that coronavirus restrictions would be strengthened in the city.

"The head of the city also said that the authorities of St. Petersburg will be forced to introduce new restrictions corresponding to the real epidemic situation and the challenges facing the Northern capital," - said in a message published on the website of the city administration.

Beglov had a meeting with the head of Rospotrebnadzor in St. Petersburg Natalia Bashketova.

He recalled the proven precautions that were taken to successfully cope with the first and second waves of a new infection.

In particular, this is a mask regime in public places, the regular use of disinfectants, social distancing and vaccination.

The governor also ordered to strengthen the disinfection of public transport, transport hubs and other places of mass gathering of citizens.

“Today we need“ zero tolerance ”for those who violate anti-epidemic norms and rules.

I urge everyone to show increased demands on themselves and others on all issues of countering the coronavirus.

We have everything to meet the conditions of the “new normalcy,” Beglov said.

The governor also announced the strengthening of control measures over the work of the service sector "up to stopping the work of enterprises in the prescribed manner."

Recall that over the past day, 14,723 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Russia.

At the same time, 9166 people fully recovered, 357 died from complications that developed against the background of COVID-19 and concomitant diseases.

Most cases per day were recorded in Moscow (7704) and the Moscow region (953).

Over the past 24 hours, St. Petersburg was in third place in the number of new cases - 862 cases.

To the gallery page

To further stimulate vaccination, the Moscow authorities announced on June 13 a weekly raffle of five cars among citizens who received the first component of the vaccine.

To participate in the program, you must get vaccinated between June 14 and July 11.

The authorities of the Moscow region soon announced that they would play an apartment in the region among those who would give the first injection of the vaccine against the coronavirus infection COVID-19 from June 15 to 25.

Entry certificates

In the Ivanovo region, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has strengthened control against the background of a worsening epidemiological situation in Moscow.

This was reported on the department's page on the VKontakte social network.

“DPS outfits in the Kostroma, Yaroslavl and Moscow directions.

Round-the-clock verification of vaccination certificates.

For nonresidents entering the region, a 14-day self-isolation is required.

The reason for this decision of the headquarters is the deterioration of the epidemiological situation in the capital, ”the statement says.

It is clarified that self-isolation can be avoided by those who have completed a full course of vaccination against coronavirus, as well as those who have a fresh negative test for COVID-19 or an up-to-date certificate of the presence of antibodies.

  • RIA News

  • © Mikhail Voskresensky