A person learns certain things while still in his mother's womb, in contrast to the common belief that birth is the moment when a person’s life begins as a self-contained being.

In a report published by the Spanish magazine Psicologia y Mente, the writer Adrian Triglia said that long before leaving his mother's womb, the child would be able to learn things about the environment in which he would live, which was shown by several experiences.

the sound

It is well known that the fetus can recognize its mother’s voice long before birth, and perhaps this is the best evidence of the fetus’s ability to learn while it is in its mother’s womb, as this relates to the knowledge that is formed in it through repeated experiences whose goal is to identify the person He will take care of him as soon as he is born.

Therefore, mothers are advised to talk to their unborn children, so that from the first moment they have different stimuli and to be able to practice their multiple skills.

In this way, the fetus not only recognizes the sounds of close people, but can also detect many other sounds throughout the pregnancy.

For example, it has been proven that a fetus can recognize music from TV series that the mother regularly watches.


The writer stated that children can not only recognize the mother's voice, but also her smell.

Interestingly, newborns prefer the smell of sweat if it belongs to their mothers.

Infants in the first weeks of birth also react a lot to the smell of the amniotic fluid in which they were floating in the mother's womb.

This can give an idea of ​​how the child identifies the mother's scent in everything that is under her.


The sense of touch plays an important role in the learning process during pregnancy, along with both the sense of smell and hearing. Recent research has shown how fetuses tend to respond to the hand movements that the mother makes when stroking her stomach, to a greater degree even than her voice.