Senior officials and residents of Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region of China held a press conference with foreign media.

When asked about allegations of forced labor, employment and human rights violations against the Uyghurs, he said they were all false.

[Nisat Muta/Shinjang Vocational Training Center Graduates: Vocational Training Center is a school for us.

The classrooms are spacious and bright.

There are also libraries and sports facilities.] We

strongly denied the recent controversy over allegations of childbirth restrictions among the Uyghurs.

[Xuguixiang/Xinjiang Vice President of the Propaganda Department of Party Committee: The growth rate of the Uighur population is higher than that of the total population in Xinjiang, and much higher than that of other minorities or Han Chinese.] In the

United States and European countries, China has been pushing minorities from Xinjiang to Uighur. They criticized them for being watched and imprisoned in camps for forced labor.

The U.S. created Uyghur human rights laws and launched sanctions on related officials and businesses.

The Chinese government has argued that Xinjiang is not a human rights issue, but an anti-terrorism issue, and that Western suspicion is a conspiracy to interfere with internal affairs.

In particular, ahead of the inauguration of the Biden government in the United States and the actual conclusion of an investment agreement with the European Union, we are increasing the intensity of refutation on allegations of human rights violations in Xinjiang.

However, the UK government has stepped up direct pressure from China by announcing a ban on imports of products related to human rights issues in Xinjiang.

[Dominique Rab/British Minister of Foreign Affairs: Evidence on the scale and severity of human rights abuses against Uyghur Muslims is widespread, and it shows a terrible picture.] The

US Trump administration has decided to stop importing cotton and tomatoes from the Uighur region. I did.

As Biden said he will raise human rights issues in relations with China, the controversy and conflicts over Xinjiang are not expected to ease.