The health situation makes the French authorities fear an imminent epidemic rebound.

In Marseille, the mayor considers the situation "worrying" and calls for strict control measures at Marignane airport.

The government announces for its part a "pivotal" week. 

Since the discovery of a first case linked to the British variant of the coronavirus in Marseille, seven contact cases have been identified as carriers of the English strain.

The viral situation of the Phocaean city is "worrying", ruled Sunday Benoît Payan, the PS mayor of the city.

"Message received", replies Matignon.

Discussions take place at the end of the day between the government and local elected officials.

Towards new extensions of the curfew?

Concern is growing across the country around the English variant, also detected on Sunday in the Hautes-Alpes.

The government must address the issue in the coming week, described as "hinge".

We will indeed see more clearly in the coming hours on the effect of the New Year's Eve festivities on the number of contaminations. 

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation on Sunday January 10

It is also at the beginning of the week that the government will receive a note on the effectiveness, or not, of the curfew.

Depending on all these indicators, decisions will be taken at the top of the state.

In particular, a new extension of the curfew is mentioned.

All this will be recorded during a defense council which should take place on Wednesday.