Demonstration in Paris eight years after the assassination of three Kurdish activists

Audio 01:32

Photos of the three Kurdish activists murdered in Paris, January 10, 2013. REUTERS / Christian Hartmann

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3 min

It was 8 years ago.

Three Kurdish activists were found dead in front of the Kurdistan Information Center in the heart of Paris (10th arrondissement) on the night of January 9 to 10, 2013. Among them, Sakine Cansiz, one of the founders of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK ).

The perpetrators of this triple murder still remain unknown.

In France, investigators point to the involvement of the Turkish intelligence services.

An implication that they denied in 2014. A legal case is still underway for "complicity in assassinations in connection with a terrorist enterprise" and "association of terrorist criminals".

The Kurds in France also accuse Turkish intelligence as well as the president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

They demonstrated Saturday in Paris to pay tribute to the activists and ask for light on this case.



Read more

To read also: Kurdish activists dead in Paris: three avenues for a triple assassination

► To read also


Kurds killed in Paris: the suspicions weigh on the Turkish secret services

► See also: Death of the alleged assassin of three Kurdish activists in Paris


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