Amid increasing pressure on US President Donald Trump and calls for his removal after his supporters stormed the Congress building, Trump appeared in a video recording in which he disavowed the violence and pledged to hand over power, while his aides and advisors continued to jump from his ship.

In his video speech, which he posted on Twitter after the ban imposed on him ended, Trump condemned the violence that took place in the Congress building, on Wednesday, and said that those who participated in it "do not represent the United States" and "will pay the price," as he put it.

He confirmed that a new administration will be installed on January 20, after Congress approved the results of the presidential elections, adding, "My focus now is on ensuring a calm, orderly and smooth transition of power. This moment requires healing and reconciliation."

Trump did not refer in his speech to President-elect Joe Biden, and said that his campaign took all legal methods to challenge the election results, and that his only goal was to ensure the integrity of the elections, as he put it.

The outgoing president said that 2020 was a challenging year for the residents of the United States, pointing out that defeating the Coronavirus pandemic and rebuilding what he described as the greatest economy on Earth require working together.

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 8, 2021

Pressure to record the word

CNN quoted a White House adviser as saying that Trump recorded this speech;

Because of threats of imminent resignations and a possible parliamentary trial.

The advisor said all of the top White House staffers were close to resigning

This prompted Trump to record the clip.

The same source added that Trump should have sent this message that he presented in his video speech, and spoke with that tone on election night, and not after the deaths, as he put it.

Meanwhile, press reports said that Trump had discussed with his aides in recent weeks his desire to pardon himself.

The New York Times said that Trump's issuance of a pardon would be a precedent in American history if the outgoing president made it.

The newspaper added that Trump had told his advisers during several discussions since Election Day on November 3 that he was considering issuing a presidential pardon for himself, and he also asked them whether he should do so, and about the political or legal impact of the decision.

The newspaper indicated that it is unclear whether Trump had discussed the issue again with his aides after the storming of Congress, which led to numerous calls by lawmakers to impeach Trump and activate the 25th amendment to the Constitution.

CNN quoted sources as saying that Trump had asked lawyers - including White House legal adviser Pat Cipollone - about his authority to pardon himself.

The sources added that Trump inquired about the legal and political consequences that could result from pardoning himself.

Isolation discussions

Meanwhile, CNBC quoted sources as saying that members of the Trump administration had held discussions to impeach him, and concluded that it would not proceed with this.

Because the procedures take more than a week.

The network added that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin were among the administration ministers, who informally discussed the possibility of activating the 25th amendment to the constitution to isolate Trump.

The sources indicated that the participants in the discussions to isolate Trump feared that isolating him could increase tension and make him a hero of the extreme right, they said.

The network also quoted a former senior official as saying that the plan now is to let Trump finish his term, and there will come a time when Trump will be held accountable, and it is not a requirement that this be during his remaining days in office.

In the context, Axios quoted two senior national security officials as saying that they and their colleagues decided to challenge any requests from the president that they believed would endanger the nation or break the law.

And after Trump's supporters stormed the Congress building - in an unprecedented incident in American democracy - and that resulted in a number of deaths, Democratic lawmakers submitted a bill to impeach Trump and activate the 25th amendment to the US Constitution, which relates to the impeachment of the president.

Amendment 25 states that in the event of the death, resignation, or removal of the president, the vice president becomes the president of the country.

The amendment permits impeachment of the president if a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress vote that he has committed a treason or a major crime.

Vice President position

In this context, Business Insider quoted an advisor to US Vice President Mike Pence as saying that Pence opposes the use of the 25th Amendment of the Constitution to impeach Trump.

The website added that Pence and his team members are also concerned that resorting to a parliamentary trial may lead to more chaos and partisan division in the country, and that resorting to parliamentary trial may jeopardize Pence's political aspirations to run for the White House in 2024.

In turn, the President of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and the leader of the Democrats in the Senate, Senator, Chuck Schumer, said that Vice President Pence did not respond to their calls to request the activation of the 25th amendment to the Constitution.

Pelosi also said at a news conference that what needs to be learned from what happened in Congress is caution.

Because the actors led by Trump do not care about the safety of others and the principle of peaceful transfer of power.

On Thursday, the leader of the Democrats in the US Senate called for the outgoing president to be removed from office immediately.

Because of the incitement of his supporters, who stormed the Congress building on Wednesday, to carry out a "rebellion".

Schumer said that "the president should not remain in office even for one day anymore," threatening Trump's trial in Congress with the aim of impeaching him if his government does not remove him under the 25th amendment to the Constitution, which allows the vice president and the majority of government members to dismiss the president if they find that he has changed Able to shoulder the burdens of his position. "

On the other hand, Trump advisers and employees in his administration resigned in protest against the events in Congress.

In the most recent waves, 4 senior White House National Security Council advisers have resigned, according to Reuters, and they are Irene Walsh, Mark Vandoroff, Anthony Ruggiero, and Rob Greenway.

Earlier, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced her resignation, just hours after Transportation Minister Eileen Chau resigned from her post for the same reason.

The resigned Transport Minister said on Twitter that she had taken the step;

Because what happened in Congress was "a shocking event, and it could have been completely avoided ... and it has bothered me so much that I cannot ignore it."

Sarah Matthews, a deputy spokeswoman for the White House, announced her resignation, noting that the United States deserves a peaceful transfer of power.