“Events in the United States require serious analysis and evaluation.

But it is already clear that the American political system is in a deep crisis.

After the events caused by the presidential elections, it became senseless to refer to her as an example of democracy, ”he said.

According to him, we are "on the verge of re-evaluating the standards that are being promoted by the United States of America, which exports its vision of democracy and party-political systems around the world."

Volodin noted that those in Russia who like to refer to the "standards of democracy" promoted by the United States will have to reconsider their views.

Earlier, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, called the events in Washington an internal affair of the United States and wished the country to experience the dramatic moment of history with dignity. 

On January 6, a protest by supporters of the current American leader Donald Trump took place in Washington, which turned into riots.

The demonstrators broke into the building of the Congress, where the procedure for approving the results of the presidential elections was taking place.

Four people died, 52 were detained.