The corona pandemic has forced us to keep our distance.

We are recommended to create bubbles and socialize with a select few, which can lead to problems according to Petra Lindfors, professor of psychology at Stockholm University.

- Then others may feel left out and then it is important to communicate about it.

It can be said that "we live close and are easy to meet" so that others do not feel excluded.

Jan ”Gulan” Gulliksen is a professor of human-computer interaction at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and he has taken a closer look at how telework has changed working life and meetings. 

According to him, the telework has had a number of positive consequences.

Among other things, the reduced travel time has meant more time for work and also less climate impact.

In addition, he believes that meetings have often become more efficient. 

- You do not have the strength to have as long meetings when you sit in front of a skerry, he says.

According to "Gulan" Gulliksen, the advantages of teleworking mean that there will be no return after the pandemic.

- I am very worried about whether managers and politicians think we should go back to how it was before.

I think what we have now is the new normal, says